
Assignments Are Out!

If you did not receive an assignment, please e-mail me immediately!

I also realize after sending out the randomized assignments, that some of you have gotten back the same descriptions you came up with. 'Twas the luck (or misfortune) of the random drawing process. Most of you should have gotten at least eight new descriptions. Some categories got a lot of the same answers for some reason (we had a lot of females, a lot of the number 9 and 8, and a few psychotics). As your e-mail says, send me the artwork before Sunday at midnight PST! I will then post them individually where we can make comments and guess what they were assigned. By the middle of next week, I'll let everyone know who got the descriptions spot on. (Eh, sorry. Right now we don't really have prizes yet)


The freaks are coming! Leave the children!

Alright kiddies, it's time for Freak Show - a method that Katie, my wife Nikki, and I have concocted in order to help everyone stretch their creativity a bit, as well as having some fun in the process.

In the previous post, Katie has left a link for the sign-up sheet for this week's challenge. As you have probably have guessed, this has to do with character design. The sign-up form is just the beginning! HURR HURR HURR!! (uhh, I guess that's my evil laugh . . . )

The sign-up is until Wednesday night at 12am (so you have until the 24th).

Now here's the kicker: the form you fill out is not actually for you. I'm going to cut all of these traits every one has sent me, scramble them up, and assign them to random people. Once you get your assignment, you must pick six of those nine descriptions (no more! no less!) and use them to create an original character. It must be obvious what attributes were assigned to you (so if you get the color "red," and draw your character with a little red dot somewhere on the back of his head, I will beat you with a crippled child) This exercise is meant to take us out of our comfort zones, and throw us into the creative oceans. You are given until Sunday at midnight (Feb. 28) to complete the challenge by emailing your art to me.

You may say, "Well, I have a lot going on in my life. I have two jobs, my uncle just married a housecat, and I'm pretty sure my left arm is missing." Nonsense, I say! This contest measures creativity, not art skill. So if you have only five minutes to draw, that is by all means FINE BY ME. But go into this thinking about what to do during your day, coming up with new ideas and scrapping those that don't work. At the end, I want to push everyone into being amazed by what they came up with. By the end, we'll have a lot of laughs and agree that I am frickin' awesome.


Comic Jam is Complete!

Gentlemen! Vegetables have threatened man for generations. I have obtained funds to solve this vegetable nightmare. Behold!

That's enough ATHF quotes for now. Comic-Jam just ended, and before I show you the results, I'd like to say a brief bit about the next game. It's called "The Freak Show", and I don't know about you, but I'm excited by the title alone! This one doesn't have the email circle in it, so you won't be relying on each other for game content, but I'll leave that up to Sean to explain. I excited. So if you'd like to go ahead and sign up now, click here. Otherwise, you can wait until more information is out and then sign up then!

Now, without further delay, here are the results!!


Comic Jam in Progress


It's comic jam time! Sign up is now closed! Those of you who have signed up, you have all been sent, or are being sent emails with further instructions to play, but here are a few notes you can always reference here. Those of you who didn't bother, wait until the NEXT game! Mwahahahahaha!

There are 6 participants. The mailing order is as follows:

Hekateros will send to Teh Mutt,
Teh Mutt will send to Katie,
Katie will send to KimaShin,
KimaShin will send to Sean,
Sean will send to Nikki,
Nikki will send to Hekateros.

Each comic will have 6 panels. The first panel should be the setting. When you get a comic with 2 or 3 panels, it will be around the climax. When you receive a comic with 5 panels, you will be in charge of drawing the final panel, a.k.a. the ending. After you draw the 6th panel of a comic, you need to send that comic to my email so I can post it on the blog for everyone to see.

Save only as a .jpg, and only save/send one file.

For everyone at home that's not playing along. Come back in a week, we'll have the results of the game posted!

edit: Questions will also be answered in the comments section if you'd rather ask there. I'll also post questions and answers as I get them in the comments section.


Comic Jam Sign-up

Up first is a Comic Jam! Here's how it works:

1.) Draw the first panel of your comic in the upper-left corner of your page.
You can do this by drawing on paper however you want, and then scanning it into the computer OR draw start to finish on the computer. Regardless of your methods, in the end you are going to need software that manipulates images. I recommend Photoshop or Gimp (which is free, and can be found here).

2.)Pass the comic on to the next person.
You will be provided with two e-mail addresses at the start of the game. One that you will pass to, and one that you will receive from. (Never confuse the e-mails, it messes up the game). As you pass to one person, another person is passing to you, so when you get the 'new' comic, you draw the second panel.

3.)Repeat passing and drawing panels until the comic you started is returned to you. When the game starts, you will be given instructions on identifying when you have a comic that should be ending.

By the end of the game, every participant should have one comic with the amount of panels equal to the number of players. Here is a video in case you didn't read any of that:

A short instructional video to the comic jam at SmashBamPow.blogspot.com


1) You have to add your panel to any comic within 24 hours of receiving it. You are welcome (and encouraged) to finish them sooner than 24 hours.

2) TRY to stay away from foul things. If it can't be helped, do it tastefully or cover it up, please.

3) All files MUST be saved as a JPEG (.jpg). Keep files at a reasonable size (if your panel is big enough to be a desktop background, it is too big. Resize accordingly.)

4) When you finish a panel, send the entire comic ONLY to the address you've been provided with. Honor system, everyone will have a chance to see it when the game is over.

5) Only draw one panel in each comic.

This round of the Comic Jam will start Thursday, February 11, at 12:00 P.M on the West coast, (03:00PM on the East coast).This is the time you will be receiving an e-mail with details on where to send your comic. (You are welcome to get started on the first frame early if you like. To sign up, please read below:

Enter to Play in Comic Jam!

By sending the following information, you agree to enter the game, and will follow the rules and regulations of Comic Jam, designated by it's game masters. Your email address will not be shared on Smash Bam Pow!!, however it will sent to all participants of this game. Your user-name, however, will be shared on Smash Bam Pow!!. Thank you for signing up, we look forward to your participation in Comic Jam.

We will have a form soon enough, but for now, please shoot me an e-mail to katie@kgreenonline.com with your name/username/how you would like to be referred, and the e-mail address you would like to use for the game inside. Please put "Comic Jam" in the subject line.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!



Welcome welcome! If you are here, you are here to draw! The first game on the agenda is a Comic Jam. To sign up for a mailing list, please e-mail katie@kgreenonline.com and ask to be updated when games are being planned. Check back later to find out more about individual games and when they will be played!